DNA testing: The blueprint of your body

DNA can be visualized as the blueprint of your body, containing all the information needed to run its processes. Think of DNA as a recipe book, detailing exactly how things are made.

When a cell in your body is damaged or dies, the DNA provides the instructions for repair or replacement. It also plays a crucial role in regulating all bodily processes.

A mistake in the DNA

Some people are familiar with conditions that seem to run in the family, complaints passed down through generations. These are often caused by a genetic predisposition or mutation.

A genetic predisposition means a mutation in your DNA increases the likelihood of developing a specific condition or illness. However, nutrition and lifestyle can significantly influence whether these issues manifest. For instance, two relatives with the same genetic mutation may have very different experiences—one develops symptoms while the other does not. Factors like diet, lifestyle, and environment play a key role in determining the outcome. 

Genetic Mutation
A genetic mutation is a flaw in the DNA passed down from one generation to the next. Examples include Crohn’s disease, constipation, PMS, depression, and other familial conditions. Fortunately, this “family curse” isn’t set in stone. Since 50% of your DNA comes from your mother and 50% from your father, there’s a chance the pattern can be broken, depending on which DNA is inherited.

DNA testing - Insight into your blueprint

Years ago, I had DNA testing done, and it provided more insights than I expected. The results showed that I have the MTHFR gene mutation, which means my body struggles to convert vitamin B11 (folic acid) into its active form, folate.

This affects various processes in my body, including energy production, serotonin activation, and immune function. All of which play a role in Crohn’s disease. For me, this explained many of the symptoms I had experienced up to that point, including frequent feelings of sadness and digestive issues. It also helped me understand why my body had difficulty recovering from Crohn’s-related inflammation.

Thankfully, this issue can be addressed with supplementation. I now take an active B-complex vitamin daily, including folate, so my body doesn’t have to perform the conversion itself. This simple adjustment has made a significant difference in my well-being, energy levels, and gut health.

Are you experiencing unexplained complaints?

If extensive blood and/or stool testing hasn’t provided answers, DNA testing could be the solution. It offers insight into your personal blueprint and might finally provide answers to the complaints you’re experiencing.

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